Acupuncture for PEAK Fertility

You have decided to start trying for a baby or perhaps you and your partner have been trying for some time now and it is not happening as easily as you'd hoped. 1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility. Trying to conceive, especially when it deems challenging, can be very stressful both physically and emotionally. Some stress is normal, but too much can interfere with your hormone levels and ovulation (do you know if you ovulate?). Avoiding stress is easier said than done. Cue acupuncture sessions.

Acupuncture has been shown to greatly reduce stress and support fertility. There are many studies supporting its use as an effective therapy when combined with other fertility treatments as well as on its own for optimizing fertility. Because of the delicate balance between the hormone and reproductive systems, stress can prevent a woman from ovulating (releasing an egg for fertilization) each month. Anovulatory cycles (no egg being released - ready and willing for a suitable sperm) is the leading cause of known female infertility. While there are several conditions that can lead to anovulatory cycles such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS, stress is one main contributing factor. Fertility acupuncture treatments have been shown to counter the negative effects of cortisol (the stress hormone) by releasing beta-endorphins in the brain allowing for a peaceful body for conception and implantation to take place, naturally.

Acupuncture can also help with male infertility. About 40% of infertility in couples is due to the male's health. Recent studies have shown with regular acupuncture treatment, sperm count and motility significantly improved. Structural defects of the sperm were also reduced after acupuncture treatment although this deems a bit more challenging. Antioxidants can help with morphology such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium, and zinc. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc. See MALE FACTOR INFERTILITY POST for more.

How Does Acupuncture Enhance Fertility ? 

  • Reduces stress (so important!)

  • Promotes ovulation

  • Increases blood flow to the reproductive organs (such as ovaries and uterus)

  • Reduces systemic inflammation

  • Balances hormone levels

  • Treats irregular, painful, or absent menstrual periods

  • Improves sperm count, motility and morphology

  • Improves implantation and chances of full term pregnancy

  • Reduces side effects from assisted reproductive treatments (such as nausea, bloating, brain fog, irritability)

  • Improves IVF (in vitro fertilization) success rate

How is acupuncture like?

Acupuncture consists of the gentle insertion of thin, sterile, disposable needles on specific points near the surface of the body. It is safe and effective at optimizing fertility for both men and women with few to no side effects. It is a great treatment option especially when combined with the PEAK Fertility Method+, which is a holistic and complete fertility treatment plan. Acupuncture can be done on its own or is an excellent complementary or integrative treatment to improve the successes of assisted reproductive technology (ART) like IUI or IVF.

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PEAK Fertility Method+.


Male Factor Infertility