PEAK Fertility Method+.

What is PEAK Fertility Method?

After years of personal and professional experience, I created the PEAK Fertility Method+, which is a pneumonic to help make sure my patients are getting the full picture and best fertility care possible. “P” is for predict, “E” is for evaluate and elevate both parties, “A” is for acupuncture, and “K” is for (k)creativity and (k)conception.

“P” is for Predict Ovulation -Knowing IF and WHEN you ovulate and your “PEAK” fertile days is pivotal to becoming pregnant. Anovulatory cycles (not ovulating) are the most common reason for delayed conception and sub-fertility. There are several strategies and lab tests to know if and when you ovulation and map out your cycle and fertile days to speed up conception.

“E” is for Evaluate and Elevate Your Health -This is arguably the most important and timely step of the PEAK Fertility Method+. Having a complete health evaluation is vital to your fertility, and a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. How’s your thyroid function? Your blood sugar and metabolic regulation? Your egg health? Sperm health? Do you have PCOS? Endometriosis? Poor ovarian reserve? What are your hormones doing throughout your cycle? Are you cycling regularly? Ovulating regularly? Evaluate your health to then elevate it to its PEAK. Have a health action plan created and tailored to you (think better egg quality, less inflammation, more balanced hormones) to become pregnant whether naturally or using assisted reproductive technology to have a healthy pregnancy and child.

“A” is for Acupuncture -Acupuncture is a traditional healing treatment using tiny sterile needles inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body to stimulate or unblock “qi” or energy. It is very well researched to improve pregnancy and live birth rates (having a baby!). There are specific points for PCOS, miscarriage prevention, IUI, IVF, as well as being a great treatment choice for the mind-body connection of fertility. Struggling to become pregnant when you want to is no joke. It can take a huge mental and emotional toll. Acupuncture can help ease stress and anxiety.

“K” is for (K)connection & (k)creativity -I see that there are a lot of" ‘experts’ out there, some with no medical training or no personal experience with infertility. Having experienced my own fertility journey, I understand how it can feel. As a licensed and experienced naturopathic doctor, I strive to provide honest, heart-felt professional support. A fertility journey can be a very sensitive time and kind understanding goes a long way. A fertility journey can be all consuming. Keeping busy is not necessarily the answer to will yourself into take your mind off of the stress of trying to conceive. Remaining creative or engaging in activities that allow for creativity to flow is key to improve your fertility.

Disclaimer: PEAK Fertility Method + may not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of Dr. Emily Munn, ND.

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